Thomas is cold; spiritually cold.
"There's a crack, there's a crack in everything/That's how the light gets in." - L. Cohen

Sunday, May 09, 2004  

Communication is a funny thing. You can think you're being lucid and coherent, and the person you're talking to still won't have a clue what you're on about. Body langauge, tone, eye contact - experts tell us these indicators carry more meaning than the words themselves. Which is hilarious, because when was the last time you considered how much eye contact you were going to make, or what hand gestures you were going to use? Bush is a case in point; whenever I hear him speak the words just roll over me like water off a ... oily thing. But his gestures, and his eyes, tell me all I need to home: don't knock too hard, cause nobody's home.

posted by Thomas | 5:35 PM

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